Buying a Business? Selling a Business? You Need a Business Broker

When one hears the word “business”, the first thing that comes to mind is money, then two people shaking hands, and finally a product or service. Without a product or service, there is no business, unless you are a non-profit association. A business is a for-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide enough value with their product or service to receive money in exchange. A business begins small and can grow, unless the owner receives a large investment at the start. In this article, we will discuss how to buy a business, as well as how to sell a business, and why it is important to have a business broker to facilitate this for you.

Buying a Business

You don’t necessarily have to start a business to have a business. There are lots of opportunities out there to purchase an existing business from someone who is tired of managing it, or financially will not be able to sustain it. In this case you must do a few things before pulling the trigger on the business you’re purchasing.

You must make sure it is the kind of business you want. You must make sure you understand the industry. You must make sure the current state of the business is stable but could use some improvements. And you need to consult with a professional business broker who can do all of this for you, while explaining why buying the business may be a good or bad idea. It can be business brokers Minneapolis MN.

Selling a Business

Next, if you have started a business and are tired of running it, or financially, it is a better move for you to sell it and cash out, there are some things to know and do ahead of time.

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First, you need to do some math to know how valuable your company is. What would other people pay you for this asset? Next you need to gather all documents and financial statements to prove the value. Do anything you can to boost your sales. This will entice buyers to see the potential for future growth. Fourth, you need to start advertising it, even if you are not fully ready to sell, so you can collect buyer leads and find out who the serious buyers are. Finally, contact a business broker to facilitate the sale and get all of the contracts in order. Now you can cash out and go live your dreams in Hawaii.


In conclusion, business is a term most associated with money, handshakes, people, products, and lots of contracts. It’s easier to do business with a company who is organized and knows what they’re doing, hence why it is called an “organization”. If you’re looking to buy or sell a business, know that you will need a broker to facilitate the purchase and sale, regardless of what side you are on, they get paid a commission to help the sale be successful.