
Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance (LBIBf) offers platform for researchers and practitioners to share their findings and analytical views on concerns relevant to international business and finance, both in their general and specific contexts. The firm, whose digital assets International Business Machines purchased in January, says its new AI-based services can be tailored to the business models of individual airline customers with prescriptions for flight changes, crew rescheduling, fueling plans and runway configurations.

Doing the right thing: corporate social duty in a international marketplace – University of Nottingham – Professor and Director of the International Centre for Corporate Social Duty, Jeremy Moon, leads this course, which explores how customer awareness, globalization and public accountability have contributed to international companies’ drive toward greater ethical requirements.

For most international business jobs, organizations require a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Knowing and trusting the partners handling your clients’ insurance requirements is an important element of each and every international plan. Hymer and Dunning are considered founding fathers of international business as a specialist field of study. Subscriptions to International Business” are available cost-free upon request to representatives of USCIB member organizations. When you recommend an international program with Zurich, you can have greater self-assurance that your clients’ needs come 1st. By combing by means of this guide, you will be well-equipped to conduct business overseas. Our International Business Report (IBR) finds that nearly a single in 4 businesses worldwide (21%) have faced a cyber-attack over the last 12 months. It is customary for a present to be declined up to 3 times ahead of it is accepted.


Executive programs are developed for business and other professionals who hold sophisticated expert positions and who want to expand their profession opportunities internationally. You should also have business cards printed in both English and the language of the host nation. Please seek advice from the journal’s reference style for the exact appearance of these elements, abbreviation of journal names and use of punctuation. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Jennifer and Wayne are assisted by an editorial board of professionals in international business law. The following local libraries have additional business databases that may be relevant to your study.

The student will be familiar with following theories: the Uppsala internationalization model, Network model of internationalization, International new venture theory and social capital theory. Business Law International is edited by Jennifer Wheater, Counsel in Tax at Linklaters, and Wayne McArdle, Partner at Gibson Dunn. Education possibilities abound, including courses necessary to earn the Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) designation.