7 tips to be happier at work

Several studies tell us what actions we must take to be able to be more fully involved in the work environment.

One of the important aspects of our existence unfolds in the work environment, with the bosses, partners, obligations and stress that this entails.

It is not an aspect that only depends on the personal attitude, also influence the relations with the companions and supervisors, the physical place of the office, the times of transfer, and so on. Considering all this, are you happy at work? Click here for more information. But if your answer is no, we tell you what the keys are to get it.

  1. Have a support network. The labor consulting company Habitissimo explained to ABC that the first thing to have is a good relationship with colleagues and bosses. In this sense, it is essential that there is a good leader who generates confidence among workers, is a good communicator and is able to recognize the achievements of the staff.

  2. You have to have goals. The personal enrichment expert, Felix Torán, says that having goals is indispensable to motivate and work with enthusiasm. It is very important that these goals are measurable, timely and realistic.

  3. Start the day with something good. One study found that people who start the day in a good mood have a better performance. So take your time to enjoy your coffee in the morning, breathe and start your day.

  4. Take fresh air. Going for a walk can help clear ideas and reduce stress. In fact, there is research suggesting that only 20 minutes of fresh air increase the feelings of well-being and joy.

  5. Create a “nest”. Author Jennifer Star wrote for Monster that it is necessary to have a space that is really appropriate to be able to feel comfortable in the job. That is, decorate your desk as much as your company’s policies allow.

  6. Find a “best work friend”. An investigation of the free hosting service Hostt found that having a person with whom you feel very identified at work can make you contribute more to the success of a company and feel that your work is more satisfactory.

  7. End your day with gratitude. Our brains better remember the bad things so that sometimes it is necessary to force them to retain the positive situations. One study found that talking about the good things that happen to you makes you feel better and more optimistic about your work.
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