Career Development Plan – A Bird’s Eye View

Career Development Plan – A Bird’s Eye View

A career development plan is a list, usually compiled by your supervisor. of your short- and long-term goals with a planned sequence of formal training and informal activities so that you can achieve goals that have been set by your supervisor and you.

The Purpose

The purpose of a career development plan is to assist you, the worker, in achieving your goals. Many times employees will complain that they didn’t know that they were lacking the needed skills. They find out at job performance appraisals.

If you feel empowered about your future, you will more likely stay with the company that helps you to realize your full potential. It is a win-win situation. The supervisor has helped to successful mentor an underling which is a measure of his success.

On the other hand, if your supervisor fails to fill out a career development plan, you need to be persistent and insist on it. This is your success that is depending on it. It should be stated that job performance reviews and career development planning sessions are not the same and should not be scheduled at the same time.

Develops Time Frame for Progression

Another benefit of a career development plan is that is help to set a time frame for you and for your supervisor. Again, this should be written down for documentation purposes. Time frames could be set for milestones such as promotions.

A time frame could be set that is six months from now because certain skills have to be attained first. You may need to direct a project so that your management can see that you have the necessary leadership skills to progress to the next level. Ask for additional responsibilities and ask if you can learn a task that only your supervisor knows how to do. Explain that you could be his backup when he is on vacation.

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Take the Initiative

If your career development plan states that you do not take the initiative, jump start your career by being a go-getter. Attend seminars or business discussion and report any pertinent information at your weekly staff meeting. Instead of eating lunch at your desk every day, take the opportunity to network with associates in other departments.

Sometimes, they will give you insight that you can interject into your meetings with your supervisor. Take the opportunity to volunteer at company events. This is a highly visible public relations act; this benefits the company, but it also benefits your visibility.

Read Leadership Articles or Books

There is a wealth of book and articles that discuss leadership skills and how to acquire them. Instead of reading a murder mystery every week, devote some of your time so that can improve your skill sets for work. This could be reading a book about effective communication styles or how to write a winning proposal.

Visit your local bookstore or your local library and invest in yourself. If your company has difficulties finding translators for your overseas operation, consider learning the necessary language.