Get Creative to Land Your Dream Job

Get Creative to Land Your Dream Job

Searching for a job is on the minds of many. Whether a victim of a layoff, not earning what you are used to, or just looking for something new, it takes creativity.

Selling in an environment of heavy competition is exactly what job seekers are facing. So, how do we deal with it?

I recently spoke to a client who is looking for a new job. I asked him what he has been doing.

“I have been sending out resumes to everyone, whether they have a listing or not,” he said.

“Well, congratulations, Kevin, and how’s that workin’ for ya?,” I snidely asked.

“Not so good”, he said.

Gee, I wonder why.

Unemployment is the highest it has been in years, and expected to climb even higher – so resumes are a dime a dozen. No, more like a penny a hundred. That being said, what do we do?

First, stop sending the same old resume. You need to be different. And not just words-on-your-resume different – I mean really different.

When I was about to graduate from college, the job market was very competitive. There were several jobs that lots of people wanted. My dad was really clear about my options: Get a job or move back home. Moving back home was not an option for me.

I decided that I needed to land an interview with one of the top companies recruiting on campus. When I went to the recruitment office to sign up to interview for a sales job with the Colgate-Palmolive Co. and a few others I was interested in, there were no time slots left. I asked them to “squeeze me in,” but of course they said they couldn’t do that. Note to all: “Can’t” is a four-letter word. Do not accept that.

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Faced with the reality of moving back with mom and dad, I was determined to get an interview. I knew if I interviewed, I would get the job. I found the name of the man who was conducting the interviews on the sign-up sheet that hung on the wall and started my pursuit.

I found the address of the corporate headquarters and decided to call the recruiter directly. Since he was traveling and unavailable, I thought the director of sales would be a better person to apply to, anyway. I found his contact information and started the mission of getting that interview.

I decided I would go to a local print shop. I took my resume and a white T-shirt. I asked them to silk-screen the resume onto it. Then I bought a tube of Colgate toothpaste, rolled up the silk-screened T-shirt and put it in the toothpaste box. I mailed it to the sales director. My cover letter explained my situation. I got the interview and a job offer!

Over the years, I have done these crazy things and gotten what I wanted. What I wanted wasn’t always the job, after all, but I sure got enough attention to get the interview. Don’t accept things like, “we can’t,” “it’s not in our budget” or any of the other excuses you may hear. Push ahead and find a way. Go at it straight ahead, over it, under it or through it. Just don’t give up. That is what will impress them above the rest.