Career Life Mind Mapping

Career Life Mind Mapping

Mind mapping provides the opportunity to really THINK about those questions and about your life and your career.

A mind mapping technique that I find useful is what I call the Micro/Highlight/Macro approach. This three stage approach can be broken down as follows:

Micro – focused brainstorming on key areas

Highlight – examine each focused mind map and highlight the most two to three most important

Macro – Create one mind map that contains the highlighted items down in stage 2

Stage 1 – Micro – Focused Brainstorming

Identify the key high level areas that matter to you. You are going to create an individual mind map for each one.

The following suggestions may give you ideas.

Your Network

Who around you do you consider Key Players – Those who make decisions which could directly affect you

Who around you would you consider advocates – Those who would recommend you if asked

Who around you would you consider a blocker – Those who could become a roadblock for you

You could also categorize your network into personal / career / field / etc.. whatever comes to your mind – write it down.

Financial Goals

Do you have a financial goal.

Earn x $$ a year

Earn/Save x $$ amount total Napolean Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” suggests that you put down an EXACT amount because that will have a more definite effect on your subconscious mind.

Invest x $$ amount

Areas of Interest

Do you have hobbies

Technical Domain



Knowledge you want / GAP in an area

Experience needed in certain areas

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Communication skills

Professional Goals

Write a book

Publish a white paper


Short/Long term

Anchors – The idea behind this comes from the Career Anchors Self Assessment.






Education back to school?

Hobbies (Learn to play an instrument?)

Community Involvement

Stage 2 – Highlight

Look through each of your focused/micro mind maps. Highlight the top 2-3 from each (Use a marker/ highlighter).

Stage 3 – Macro

This is where you combine all highlighted information from the focused mind map you just created.

I find it is most useful to use a piece of paper because the affordances of paper make it easy to quickly brain dump to the paper. If you would prefer to use software, there is free software available which is useful. One such free tool is FreeMind.

You may also download this pdf template that you can print out. This has the suggestions from this short to help with the creative process.

Now What?